CranioSacral Therapist Certification
Certification for Licensed Professionals and the Public
Who can become a CranioSacral Therapist Certification?
If you live in Illinois, you do not have to be a Licensed Professional to also become a CranioSacral Therapist. But in some states, CranioSacral Therapy is regulated just like Massage therapy, therefore be sure to know your states regulations on CranioSacral.
Illinois is currently, a state that is exempt from the Massage Therapy Practice Act, which means CranioSacral is governed on it's own.
Important: State regulations vary from state to state. It is your responsibility to know your state regulations. Sacred Journey Institute will not be held responsible for varying state regulations, and your courses will not be refunded. Sacred Journey Institute has been approved institution for continuing education through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Sacred Journey Institute offers continuing education classes for licensed massage therapists and bodyworkers seeking new knowledge and exploring spiritual growth.
Learning the Shamanic Approach to Cranial Sacral Therapy
Sacred Journey Therapy (SJT) is a shamanic approach to CranioSacral Therapy. It is truly a holistic therapy that is very powerful and unique. It includes elements borrowed from Osteopathy, Massage, and traditional Cranial Sacral Therapy. SJT is widened by aspects of parapsychology, trans-personal and traditional psychology, studies of consciousness, physics, metaphysics, spirituality, and shamanism. CraniaoSacral Therapy has a psychodynamic approach of intertwining perception and intention with meditative use of the inner eye, inner ear, and empathic heart to communicate and heal the physical, emotional, mental, astral, and spiritual bodies. Teach deepening techniques for meditation and mindfulness, that they can use with their clients and themselves. Adding to a humanistic approach, we introduce new possibilities for exploring relationships on physical and energetic levels with an emphasis of working from the heart and intuition.
CranioSacral Therapist Certification
Course List *subject to change*
Level-1 Laying the Foundation; Working from the Heart
Level-2 Unwinding; The Heart and Sacrum
Level-3 Unwinding; The Heart, Sphenoid and Facial Bones
Level-4 Unwinding; The Heart and Mandible Ritual
Level-5 Psychometry/Communication; The Heart Speaks
Level-6 Miasm Release Therapy; Clearing the Heart
Level-7 Sacred Journey Therapy; Following the Heart
CANCELLATION POLICY: Sacred Journey Institute will refund your deposit or full payment at 100% three weeks prior to the start of class. There will be no refunds granted past that point.
Classes Below
3 day class: $550
4 day class: $695
New prices for new students enrolling in 2023
Student that enrolled prior to 2023, we will honor the previous prices
Payment Plan:
You can break the class payment into 4 payments, the final payment is made 2 weeks prior to the class start date. Click the email icon to request a payment plan. The deadline to request a payment plan is 6 weeks prior to the class start date.
This course provides an opportunity for students to review material covered in the Level 1-7 courses, share their cranial sacral experiences in a meditative and supportive atmosphere and refine their skills under the watchful eye of the instructor. Students are required to successfully complete a hands-on evaluation with an instructor to demonstrate their ability.
Cranial Sacral
Level 1
Laying the foundation; working from the heart
This course introduces participants to scientific and emotional perspectives of the cranial system and to our intuitive approach to Cranial Sacral work. Using slides and dis-articulated specimens, the study of cranial anatomy includes an inspection of each individual bone, its movement potential in isolation and in unison with the other cranial bones and possible reflexive relationships with the body and mind.
On an experiential level, emphasis is placed on centering techniques, cultivating our inner peace, and opening our intuitive self to interacting with our partner’s cranial system instinctively. Each day includes closely supervised hands-on practice with a partner to help deepen one’s understanding of the work. On the final day, techniques presented and practiced for each individual bone are brought together in a basic protocol that may be used as a basis upon which to introduce basic cranial work into one’s practice.
Cranial Sacral Level 4
Unwinding; The Heart and Mandible Ritual
In this course the importance of the healer’s own process in developing his or her skills is emphasized. The power of ritual will be discussed and followed by three hour healing sessions, unwinding the mandible in Shamanic fashion.
Students will also work with Psychic Perception in small groups enhancing their intuitive skills. Extensive detailed anatomy of the brain, mandible, palatine bones and lateral pterygoid muscles will be exhibited and energetics will be discussed.
Lecture and discussion will also focus on the Primary and Secondary energy centers and the important influence they exert.
Cranial Sacral Level 7
Sacred Journey Therapy; Following the Heart
The foundation has now been set for Sacred Journey Therapy. This high art of healing is a very intimate form of energy work, touching the soul in such depth that it will often release deep seeded emotions, healing ancient wounds or perhaps sending the client into a wonderful euphoric state. It’s whatever the soul is searching for. This work may also change patterns that have continued with us form other lifetimes.
In this course we will introduce students to principles of Gestalt therapy and psychotherapy in order to work with multidimensional trauma. Concepts of Linear time and Astral Dynamics will be discussed. Exercises with other life readings and astral projection will take place in small groups.
A more expanded look at evolution and understanding of Akashic records will be discussed.
A protocol to induce trance and inner-body projection along with grounding techniques will be demonstrated.
Sacred Journey Massage
Sacred Journey Therapy; Following the Heart
There are times with our clients which transcend the ordinary, when shifts and changes happen seemingly without effort. This rarely results solely from physical manipulation, but rather from a combination of skilled touch and a deep sense of connection.
Sacred Massage uses a combination Esalen massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Lomi Lomi massage and Lymphatic drainage techniques along with the principles of Sacred Journey Therapy. The body is worked a s a whole, not in segments. Not only is a physical connection made, but an energetic connection between therapist and client and often a spiritual connection between the client and themselves.
Using intuition and creativity, this soothing bodywork emphasizes nurturing and empathy, creating deeper states of relaxation. The continuous flow of this massage will enhance intuition, magnify the senses and communicate with your entire being. Feel the stress melt away as the healing mechanisms of the body begin to dominate, helping you find peace and harmony.
Cranial Sacral Level 2
Unwinding; The Heart and Sacrum
This course is using the basic protocol learned in the level 1 course as a point of departure, this course builds upon the basic skills by introducing new possibilities for exploring relationships on physical and energetic levels. The concept of working from the heart will be explored as we approach the sacrum.
Supine approaches to addressing the sacral and pelvic bones and muscles will be demonstrated and practiced. Palpation skills in facilitating unwinding will be shown in separate protocols. Generous classroom time is devoted to developing sensitivity to and practice of unwinding.
Cranial Sacral Level 5
Psychometry/Communication; The Heart Speaks
This course is devoted to developing the essential Cranial Sacral skills of focus and perception. Psychometry exercises will be used to develop trust in intuitive skills along with intuitive readings. Opening oneself to communication with the expanded soul, guides, ancestor spirits, dreams and animal totems are discussed and used as a valuable instrument in treating clients at a more expanded level.
Level 13- Inside the Evolved Human
Advanced Class
By exploring connection to “Higher Self”, we will guide ourselves into our gifts and strengths offering ways to integrate this Sacred Journey into our every day lives, raising the vibration of our environment around us.
Utilizing the gifts of the Sacred Journey Therapists, we will break down old behavioral patterns and concepts which feed the core structure of Miasm in order to free the soul and set ourselves deeper onto a path of personal growth and Peace.
(Test review and study guide) will also be included in this class to complete Certificate of achievement for the Sacred Journey Institute.
Students may use a ($ 150) deposit to hold a space in this class.
Ethics – Required by NCBTMB
Understanding boundaries is crucial to creating an ethical practice and building professional relationships. By increasing your awareness of both a client’s and your own boundaries, you improve the therapeutic relationship and avoid many inadvertent slips into unethical behavior. This class will cover the knowledge about Ethics, Scope of practice, the role of therapist in a therapeutic relationship in very simple to understand way. This course is covering 6 hours of requirements as CE hours for massage therapists. SJI is approved by NCBTMB as CE provider in the state of Illinois.
Cranial Sacral Level 3
Unwinding; The Heart, Sphenoid and Facial Bones
This course includes a complete protocol using techniques designed to treat headaches and migraines. Anatomy and energetics will be used to develop skills for the healer to map out and better understand headaches. These protocols are essential due to the fact that headache disorders are so common.
Cranial Sacral Level 6
Miasm Release Therapy; Clearing the Heart
In this course we will devote out time to working with and understanding energies in the body that influence our lives. This new modality is an incredible therapy that is designed to release lower vibrational energies from the body. Students will not only be shown how to release these energies in themselves but will be shown a Miasm Release protocol and will be taught to relate to these energies and help move them from the body.
This course will also be used to work with sutures and sinuses. Three-dimensional, asymmetrical techniques are introduced with each protocol. Emphasis is placed on pre-visualization of target structures and their attendant cranial mechanisms.
The art of perceiving and tracking changes in consciousness forms the basis for all interactive work in this course.
Practicums-Cranial Sacral Program Levels 1-7
This course provides an opportunity for students to review material covered in the Level 1-7 courses, share their cranial sacral experiences in a meditative and supportive atmosphere and refine their skills under the watchful eye of the instructor. Students are required to successfully complete a hands-on evaluation with an instructor to demonstrate their ability.
Lori Green
This class combines cranial sacral/sacred journey therapy together with vibrational aromatherapy, for emotional release. The focus will be on clearing emotional patterns that cause physical dis-ease in the body, with the use of Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils and propitiatory blends. We will be discussing “What is aromatherapy?” “How and why oils work in the body.” We will be looking deeper into the chakra system, specifically for assisting us in letting go of painful emotions and any negative cellular memories. Then we can reestablish self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-love.
Students will learn techniques/exercises for:
Chakra balancing
Connecting to your sacred space
Regain your power in present time